

2007-11-08 00:00:00 栏目:化学动态

       九月底,某英国公司 (未透露其名) 于市场上销售之产品因铅含量超标,不符合RoHS指令要求而遭到起诉。遭起诉之公司坦承不讳,此次起诉仅受到书面文件警告而无罚款。

       英国执行RoHS符合性测试之国家度量衡实验室 (NWML) 技术经理Chris Smith先生提到:“事实上,此案例可视为庭外和解之案件,但依据英国法院规章,仍算是一次司法判例”。此违反RoHS案例并无严重到需要向大众公布所有内容,国家实验室不愿透露更多详情。

       今年初,丹麦官员于电视新闻中透露即将起诉那些不符合RoHS的抛弃式相机业者。丹麦环境部环保署的RoHS执行部门主管Torben Norlem说道,这些进口业者知道主管机关执法的决心,已将不符合的产品撤离市场。


The first prosecution for noncompliance with the RoHS directive brought by NWML has been settled out of court. At the end of September, an undisclosed company was accused of marketing lead-containing products that violated the RoHS restrictions on lead, said Mr Smith.

The company admitted guilt and the matter was settled without financial penalty, according to Mr Smith. A documented warning, which can support legal action if the company has further violations, has been filed with the enforcement authorities.

”Effectively, it was an out-of-court settlement, but under UK judicial rules it still counts as a case brought to justice“,Mr Smith said. NWML wouldn‘t provide further details ‘because the level of failure wasn‘t serious enough to warrant public disclosure’, he added.




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下一篇: RoHS检测方法即将统一
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